How to play with your dog

How to play with your dog

Dog toys are considered important things that a dog owner should own for many benefits, such as mental stimulation that makes the dog expend its energy so that it does not get into trouble.  Toys also fill his time in a pleasant way when his owner is busy.  and needs to accomplish something specific.  In addition to this, games help the dog learn and develop new skills and improve its natural behaviors such as searching and exploration, in addition to providing relaxation, reducing stress levels and  avoid bad behavior.  positively reflects the dog's relationship with its owner, because it is he who gives him the toys, and therefore the dog associates them with excitement and pleasure.


Benefits of Playing for Dogs

Mental and physical stimulation

Toys help stimulate your dog's mind and prevent boredom, which can lead to destructive behaviors if his mental energy is not released.

Games help develop your dog's problem-solving and thinking skills.

Games help burn excess energy from the dog, thereby keeping him healthy and fit.

Games help strengthen your dog's muscles and improve their coordination.


This helps the dog learn to interact appropriately with other dogs.

This helps the dog build relationships with other dogs.

This helps the dog establish a strong bond with its owner.

This helps the dog learn commands and obedience.

Mental health:

Play reduces stress and anxiety in dogs.

Playing improves your dog's mood and makes him happy.

Play helps prevent negative behaviors such as excessive barking or biting.


 Games can be used to train your dog new commands.

Games can be used to encourage desired behaviors.


Playing is a fun activity for dogs and should be part of their daily routine.


Best Toys for Large Dogs

Here are some of the best toys for large dogs:

Kong Game:

This is a type of fetch and mental stimulation game.

It can also be used by the dog for chewing and it is made of durable rubber.

Crazy Rubber Balls:

These are simple toys that dogs can play with and chew on.

These balls are made of non-toxic and biodegradable materials.

Rope play:

The rope can be fixed on one of the tree branches in the garden with the possibility of adjusting the length of the rope, where the dog can enjoy the rope, pull it and chew it.

This game is ideal for aggressive dogs.

Dedicated Fetch Toys:

These toys are made of fabric, foam, and rubber, which maintains the texture of the toy during repeated play.

The texture also allows the toy to float on

water, where it can also be played with.

Aggressive Chew Toy:

This is a toy shaped like a sports weight.

These toys are made of natural rubber so that the dog can chew them.

The toy can also be mixed or filled with food.

The toy helps stimulate the gums and maintain the health of the dog's



Best Toys for Active Dogs

Here are some favorite toys for active dogs:

Toy box: The box contains many toys from which the dog can choose the toy he wants and change toys until he gets bored.

Chase game: This is a long pole that has a rope attached to it and at the end of the rope is a woolen toy. The dog can be stimulated with a stick to chase the toy, jump and run.

Throwing Games: This is a throwing machine where the ball is thrown a long distance and the active dog runs after it to ca

tch it.


Best Toys for Small Dogs

Here are some of the best toys for small dogs:

Screaming toys: These are animal-shaped toys that the dog can get out of hiding or play with alone, because they make a sound when pressed.

Toys without objects: the dog can easily carry them and drag them around the house.

Small Balls: These balls come in small sizes that fit a small dog's jaws and he runs after them once you throw them from the ball launcher and retrieve them.

Chew Toys: There are many chew toys suitable for small dogs, available in lengths of 10-15cm, lightweight and easy

to carry.


Tips for Choosing Dog-Friendly Toys

Here's how to choose the right toys for your dog:

Choose toys appropriate for your dog's age, size and breed.

Choose toys made from durable and safe materials.

Change games periodically to avoid boredom.

Supervise the dog while playing to avoid injury.


Tips before starting to play with the dog

Tips before you start playing with your dog:

Make sure your dog is in a good mood to play.

If your dog seems tired, anxious or scared, it is best to postpone play.

Pay attention to your dog's body language, such as wagging his tail, licking his lips, or yawning, as these are signs that he may not be in the mood to play.

Don't overwhelm your dog with complicated or stressful toys at first.

Start with a simple game like ball toss or tug of war.

Make the game fun for your dog, use an enthusiastic voice and positive body language.

Reward your dog for good behavior when playing.

Stop playing if your dog becomes rough or aggressive.

Avoid toys that could hurt your dog.

Do not play with your dog near objects he can chew or swallow.

Monitor your dog closely while he plays.

Make play part of your dog's daily routine.

Take time to play with your dog every day. This will help your dog stay happy and healthy.

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